FAFSA 2024更新

由于FAFSA程序在全国范围内的延迟, all new and returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024常见问题

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. 阅读全文

狼群星期三: First Week Success (Fall 2023)




你做到了! 你正式成为狼群的一员. 的 work you do here will set the path for your life. 你会交到新朋友, 扩大你对世界的了解, 连接新奥尔良皇冠365官方app, 找到打动你的东西. We know that your first days at college can be overwhelming, but we are here to support you. We put together a few tips and reminders to help you stay on track. Don’t forget to reach out to your Krewe Leader with questions (or just to say hi) as you get settled into Loyola life.


An important part of your college experience is what you do beyond the classroom. We encourage you to get connected with any of the hundreds of student organizations at Loyola—from anime to community service to creative arts and beyond. 使用我们的互动平台 HowlConnect to find out what’s happening and join organizations. 

Take a look at the awesome events taking place during Welcome Back Week! 检查 “事件”选项卡 on HowlConnect for more information on each event. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at getinvolved@dh865.com 或者给我们留言 Instagram @loyno_slm

加入我们的第一年理事会! Through FYC you will establish connections with incoming students like you, 参加SGA所有事情的速成班, 提交给SGA参议院, 计划你自己的活动! At the end of FYC, you will be placed into an SGA position to continue your SGA journey. 现在申请FYC! 申请必须在8月30日之前提交. For any questions, please reach out to SGA Chief of Staff Mia Vitello at mvitello@my.dh865.com


You’re here to get an education, and that all starts by going to class. 这可能是显而易见的, but your success in college can be determined simply by your willingness to attend your classes. College courses work at a faster pace than you might have been used to before arriving here. Missing one class could mean that you miss out on two to three chapters worth of material. Don’t spend your first semester playing catch up. 


除了上课, the ultimate key to succeeding academically is connecting with your professors. All of the professors here at Loyola have scheduled office hours set aside specifically so their students (that’s you!) can connect and ask questions about course material or simply have a conversation. Our faculty are experts in their fields and can serve as valuable resources, 所以请去了解他们. 


欢迎来到路易斯安那州的新奥尔良! If you’re new to this part of the country, it can get pretty hot outside. If you grew up here, you’re perfectly aware of that fact. Whether you are running laps or running late to class, make sure that you are staying hydrated. We have filtered water bottle filling stations located across campus. You can also stop by the C-Store and pick up a Powerade or Vitamin Water. 


除了我们知识渊博的教师, you now have access to a whole team of support staff here to help you with any questions that may come up as you get adjusted. Below you’ll find answers to some of the more frequent questions we see from students around the start of the semester. 

新生资源指南 is another great resource packed with information to help you get settled at Loyola. You’ll find location and contact info for offices and departments on campus, 在洛约拉大学使用技术的说明, 以及为学者提供的重要信息的概要, 学生生活, 以及校园安全.


你总是可以 安排会议 with our team of academic advisors and success coaches to discuss your schedule and academic plan for your time at Loyola. We also recommend that you check with the Dean’s office of your college to get assistance for your specific program. 


校历 will be your friend as you get used to your new schedule. August 25 (this Friday) is the last day to add a new course to your schedule. Friday, September 1 is the last day to drop a course. 


If you’re having trouble accessing or setting up any of your Loyola accounts (like your Loyola email or the SSO portal),查阅我们的 循序渐进的指导 或通过电子邮件联系IT帮助台 support@dh865.com 从你的LOYNO邮件.  


查看我们的地图,查阅我们的 虚拟360度旅行 to explore academic buildings and residence halls, and watch our 虚拟游览视频 了解一些皇冠365官方app校园的趣事! 


If you plan to park on campus for the semester, you should purchase a virtual parking permit through 洛约拉停车场服务. 如果你选择不办停车许可证, you may search for street parking around campus or pay for hourly parking using ParkMobile available in the West Road Garage and North Road. We recommend arriving early in case you can’t find a spot! 


的 Loyola shuttle service runs with service between main campus and Broadway campus during designated hours. On-demand service is also available to take you to locations in our designated shuttle service area! 访问 the shuttle website for hours and instructions. 

如果你有任何问题没有在这里回答, please visit Havoc's Help Desk in the Lower Level of the Danna Student Center. 欢迎加入我们! 
